Saturday, 30 November 2013


I wish I had the will power to be a vegetarian but I can't give up bacon or any other meat. I know that I would be  helping animals but the bacon's already been cut and the pig has already been killed so, what harms been done...

Friday, 29 November 2013

Good night sleep

Tomorrow if I wake up with a good night's sleep I will walk down stairs and say, exactly like this ,.....

Funny animal memes

I shall finish it with this the most true statement in the world.

Halleluyah it's Friday

I was walking home from school today and I remembered that tomorrow was Sunday and yesterday was Thursday and the weekend was ahead of me so that made today Friday.For a second I was the happiest person in the world, but then my friend's started talking about orphaned children in who knows were, which made me sad which made me mad which made the world come to an almost end.
When I thought it was Friday:

My Friend's after they started talking:


I was walking past the dinner table and I hit that soft part in between my toes  on one of the legs of the chair. When I had finally stopped writhing in pain I looked down at my foot expecting them to be gone and I was like......
Life is for Living. So live it.

Thursday, 28 November 2013

Albino and Melanistic Animals

I am now obsessed with Albino and Melanistic animals. If you don't know what that is, Albinism is when your skin hair and eyes lack the pigment it normally has and Melanism is when a dark pigment called Melanin which makes it almost the opposite of Albinism. The animals are so cute.

Rolling Elephant

Sometimes I just want to roll in the sand in the sun on a beach by the


My least favourite part of school is Tests, especially when you study hard but you still don't do well and you almost die cause you worked so hard but still didn't do well. It's sometimes one of those things that pushes you off the theoretical cliff.

Slippery slope

I watched a video today at school about a Polar Bear, and he kept sliding down snowy banks. When I was coming home, I did what the Polar Bear had done in the video.

When I'm older

So, when I'm older I want to work with animals, which I think my mom really wanted to do too.   I'm thinking about working with small animals, but I always wanted to work with Giraffes. I'm torn....

Costa rica sloth reserve

 The Costa Rica sloth reserve is the only sloth reserve in the world.   It is for orphaned and injured sloths. It is an amazing place and run by amazing people.

This in my first post

So yeah, I have never had a blog before and I've always wanted to make one. This blog is going to be a work in progress so bear with me.